Thursday 28 August 2014

Holiday in Wales!

Hi guys
So last week I was in Wales on holiday!
From waking up on a flat airbed surrounded by a moat to travelling back in the middle of the night the week was really good.
The first day was mainly travelling and then waiting for food, then the heavens decided to open and soak everything. And by everything I mean EVERYTHING! I swear me and my boyfriend woke up surrounded by a moat as the ground sheet had puddles, in fact it had lakes in it. But then to top this off EVERY night the air bed deflated and we woke up on the floor! I can tell you for nothing this was uncomfortable and felt wet because the floor was wet! Also this was our wake up call most mornings 

Anyway after this the day was rubbish with the weather but never the less and now armed with umbrellas we headed towards New Quay for fish and chips. Oh and my dog decided he was going to photo bomb my mums picture but this is probably one of my favourite picture of the holiday!

 Over the next couple of days we explored the coasts around where we were staying. But when I say close I actually mean a 2 hours drive away! Not fun especially when you end up with a numb bum.

On our final day of being in Wales we went to Devils Bridge.

The story behind Devils Bridge is "around the IIth Century, the Devil visited Wales as he had never been there before and he had heard that the scenery was breathtaking. He soon came across an old lady who seemed upset. "What's the matter?" he asked out of curiosity.
"Oh, I'm in such a terrible muddle and I don't know what to do!. My cow has wandered across the river and I can't get her back".
'Ah!" said the Devil 'What you need my dear, is a bridge, and I am just the man to build you one. Why don't you go home, and in the morning there will be a bridge waiting for you. All I ask in return is to keep the first living thing to cross the bridge!"
"Okay then" she said "It's a bargain. I'll see you in the morning. Nos da, Goodnight"
That night she wondered about this stranger who would build her a bridge. 'What a strange request! Why should I cross the bridge to get my cow back if he gets to keep me in exchange? Mind you it is very tempting offer"
The next day she got up and called for her faithful dog. Together they went down to the river. "Well well" she couldn't believe her eyes. In front of her was the best bridge that she had ever seen! I told you that I would build you a bridge" said the Devil appearing from nowhere.
"Now it's your turn to keep your side of the bargain".
I know, you get to keep the first living thing to cross the bridge" and she started to walk towards the bridge. But just when she got to the entrance, she stopped, took out a loaf of bread from her apron pocket and hurled it across the bridge. As quick as a flash and before the Devil could stop it, the dog chased after it. 'Aaaaaaagh!!!!!" screeched the Devil. "You stupid old woman, I don't believe it! Your smelly, hairy farm dog has become the first living thing to cross my bridge. It's no good to me" he screamed and then he vanished.
Well, the Devil was never seen in Wales again as he was so embarrassed at being outwitted by the old lady. High in the mountains near Aberystwyth, there is a village where a very old bridge crosses a deep gorge. Above it are two other bridges built at later dates. But the lowest one....Well, they say that the Devil himself built it!"
Now that you know the story I can continue *laughs* what my dad didn't tell us was there was 600 STEPS TO CLIMB! Bearing in mind I only had flip flops on and trust me this was a bad mistake *hides in hoodie* After getting over the initial shock of having to climb 600 steps we started thee journey!
The scenery was beautiful and peaceful

Further round the journey we came to Jacobs Ladder. This was about 100 steps maybe more at a 45 degree angle that we had to WALK DOWN WITH TWO DOGS!! Finally we made it so I took a picture (well my mum did but I made her send it me) of the steps.

Overall this journey round the scenery took us 45 minutes or maybe longer I can't remember but all I know is if you do this DO NOT GO IN FLIP FLOPS! This was the state of mine and my boyfriend's feet after!   

  Then my mum decided to photobomb so it looks like I have three legs! 

So after a bipolar week of weather the week was good and relaxing and would happily go back to New Quay again!
Talk soon

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